Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Can A Computer Keep Spyware Without Crashing?

Can A Computer Keep Spyware Without Crashing? Can a computer keep spyware for a long time without crashing? This is yet another question that is often asked about spyware and adware. It is widely known that these spying viruses cannot stay in a PC too long before it slows down considerably and then crashes. That is usually the chain of events. So is there any way in which spyware can infest a PC and remain there for a long time without being detected? Can spyware exist almost indefinitely without a computer crashing? The answer to the second question is a firm No because sooner or later the symptoms of the virus will rear its ugly head. Just like a normal virus in humans, which sooner or later blows out in the form of deadly symptoms that forces a person to seek urgent medical attention. However the big issue here is the damage that can be done in the short time that the computer does not show any symptoms of having spyware. That is really where the danger is because all your passwords and sign in names to sensitive accounts can all land in the wrong hands and easily lead you to getting robbed or other nasty things happening to your because somebody has got access to all your accounts. And this is the reason why it is so dangerous to postpone taking any action to scan your PC for spyware and adware and then removing them as quickly as possible. And even when you have done that, it advisable that you change your passwords pronto. The numbers already say that chances that you have spyware already embedded in your PC causing harm is a staggering nine out of ten. Are you looking for more information that will help you understand spyware?

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